Monday, 30 November 2015

Credit Card Debt Negotiation For Easier Debt Relief

What is Debt Negotiation?

Several people suffer from overlapping credit card debts that make it difficult for them to manage payments for. This is mostly due to the nonchalant nature of spending using your credit card, hence many have started to question about using credit cards as a valid alternative for real cash to make purchases.

When you begin to suffer the same problem with rising debts, debt negotiation is a proven and legal method to figure out a way out of that debt trap. Debt negotiation involves, of course, negotiation to pay off the balance of your debts that is in reality less than your actual balance. For example, you owe your credit card company a given amount for non-payment and you work your way into reducing that amount so you can save on your payments. It is important to clearly discuss terms with your credit card company because they share the same interest with you, which is to settle any remaining balance on your account.

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If you have any qualms about debt negotiation process, then you need to know that it is a completely legal process. There are several debt negotiation professionals that you can hire and they are the ones responsible for speaking with credit card companies to do the negotiation for you so you can reach a reduced payoff.

Benefits of Debt Negotiation

If you are having trouble trying to organize all of the credit card debts you need to settle, debt negotiation services is a valid method that can help resolve your debt problems. Some people have difficulty dealing with the staggering amount of phone calls or letters being sent to them by their credit card companies insisting that they settle all of their existing debts. There are a few benefits that you can get from settling with debt negotiation services and they are listed below.

Having Professional Assistance

One obvious benefit that you can derive with debt negotiation on your credit card debts is that you can hire the services of professional debt negotiators. Their expertise on this field would help you gain an advantage in securing the lowest possible payoff. This is helpful for anyone who lacks proper negotiation skills and lack the knowledge when it comes to the twists and turns of the credit industry.

Save Yourself From Stress

For people with huge amounts of credit card debt to settle, you might find that staffs of credit card companies can be really hard on you. As if settling your existing debts do not offer enough stress alone, having staffs to harass and demand from you can be doubly trying. Hiring a debt negotiation service to do the negotiating for you can reduce the amount of stress involved in settling your credit card debt. You do not have to employ your own tactics just to settle with your desired payoff amount. These debt negotiation services have been doing this for a living and they utilize proven strategies that will help you arrive at your desired payoff balance.

You Save Money

In terms of your financial status, debt negotiation offers a few advantages on your part. First off, the reduced payoff balance will enable you to manage your debt settlements a lot better. It also offers some benefits to your credit card company given that they are able to receive a settlement for your debts.

However, the aim of debt negotiation is basically to help people with astounding credit card debts. With a lesser amount to settle, you are able to keep up with your balance and go back to establishing a more solid financial ground that is free of any debt.

Credit Card Debt Counseling

What is Credit Card Debt Counseling?

Interest rates on most debts incurred by debtors become increasingly high to the point that an individual's monthly payment isn't even enough to cover just the interest. Individual resort to many different credit card debt relief programs and credit card debt counseling is just one of your many possible choices. But, why should you opt for debt counseling?

This method enlists the help of professional debt counselor. Their role is to do the negotiating with your credit card company with regards to possibly reducing your current credit balance. Some might even suggest you get into a debt consolidation program once they have assessed that it would help alleviate your financial condition while eliminating credit card debt.

You will typically start off with basic money management and they would help you come up with a sound budget plan. Hence, the idea here is to not only help an individual get out of debt but to improve their financial management ability to ensure that they put an end to the debt cycle.

When To Opt for Debt Counseling?

The choices of debt relief programs are quite extensive. Hence, deciding on whether debt counseling might offer the best and most efficient debt relief method is difficult. Every credit company has their own counselors that are responsible for handling the budgeting, consumer credit, and debt management aspects. Therefore, having a reliable debt counselor will also provide the financial organization you need.

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If you are still unsure, ask your credit card debt counseling agency the following questions to assess whether this credit repair service is for you:

•    How much will the service cost you?

•    How much is the percentage of payments or if there are any hidden fees?

•    What range of services do you offer? Does it meet my debt relief needs?

Once you have determined that a particular debt counseling agency provides services specific to your needs and still allow you to save some money after paying the program's services, then it should not be a bad option for debt relief.

Benefits of Debt Counselor

The presence of the debt counselor's professional advice could really boost your financial management strategies while also allowing you better insight into how you can work at resolving your debt problems. If you are undecided with opting for credit card debt counseling to provide the financial relief you need, then you need to be aware of some of the benefits you can acquire:

•    You save yourself from the hassle of having to speak and deal with your credit card companies. Your credit card debt counselor will be the one handling these negotiations for you.

•    Your debt counselor can help reduce your monthly interest rate on an existing debt.

•    The acquisition of better budgeting plan and improved financial or debt management will help ensure you pay your bills on time.

Choosing Your Debt Counselor

Now that you have become aware of what benefits you can acquire from hiring a credit card debt counselor, your next step is to choose a reliable credit card debt counselor. Below are proper guidelines that will help you evaluate a debt counselor before choosing them:

•    Research on the specific agency's reputation. Were previous clients satisfied with their service? Was it able to deliver the promise of debt relief?

•    Make sure the specific agency you are looking into has its own insurance.

•    Your debt counseling agency should be one willing to work with all credit companies. Beware of those who are willing to work only for specific companies since they could have some secret arrangement wherein both companies can profit.

•    Paying methods to your creditors. Take time to learn about what percentage goes to the agency so you can finish paying your debts within your desired time frame.

Common Credit Card Debt Settlement Mistakes

Paying off your credit card debt can be damaging to your financial status that you often resort to just about any technique or method needed to get out of that trap. However, you need to methodically analyze your decisions in terms of handling your debt settlement since they can impact your long-term financial status. Moreover, legal complications could get in the way and that's the least you want to happen with an already escalating credit card debt balance.

If you want a good credit card debt settlement, you must try to avoid any of the following methods or mistakes. Most of them include pointers on what you should avoid if you would not want your credit card debt to continue escalating.

Closing Your Account

Some people become extremely fed up with their credit card debt due to their inability to meet the rising interest rate and debt balance to settle. Therefore, most opt for the easy way out, which is to close their accounts. While this solves one aspect of your problem, it offers another type of dilemma. Doing so will cause your credit rating to take a massive dip.

Here's a solution that you can try. If you have determined to not want to use the cards, then set it aside. You need to really fulfill the promise to not use cards in any of your purchases again since it can easily add up to your debts. Meanwhile, make sure to continue settling any other existing credit card debts while you help yourself by not adding more to the damage.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a debt relief option that is already becoming quite popular among people with debt problems. While this has helped few people settle their debts and return to a smoother financial status, it is not always the best option to relieve yourself of debt. If you're not familiar with this method, debt consolidation is when you find a new creditor that will pay off any of your existing multiple debts. Then, you will now have to settle those accounts through your new creditor. The convenience offered by debt consolidators is that you now have only one debt to settle, as opposed to multiple of them. Plus, negotiating for a low interest rate on your debts are possible but it will extend the life of your loan and payment period.

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Of course, these debt consolidators don't do it if there's no benefit for them. Debtors are given up-front fee for some consolidating companies while a statement of having “third party assistance” will be reflected on your credit report.

Paying High Interest Rate

This is an obvious mistake that most debtors often make when trying to settle credit card debts. Since being able to settle all of your debt balance is also in the interest of your credit card company, then you need to negotiate a meeting point when it comes to achieving your interest rate. Once you have agreed on a lower interest rate, look into making punctual payments to avoid adding more late payment charges on your balance.

Opting To Settle Minimum Balance

This is one mistake that people often make when paying off their credit card bills that often result to rising credit card debts. When you are using credit card to make purchases, it is easy to believe you have an unlimited pool of money. That is when excessive splurging comes into play that causes unimaginable credit card debts. If you pay only the minimum balance, your creditors could care less because they will be getting a percentage of interest on that. If you can, try paying double your minimum amount in order to relieve yourself from mounting interest that could really hurt your debt and financial status.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Avoiding Credit Card Debt Relief Scams

Benefits of Debt Relief Programs

People with mounting debts can reap major benefit from debt relief programs. These programs are designed for this specific purpose but choosing the specific terms of the plans could affect each individual's financial condition differently. If you wish to free yourself off any debt, then you must choose a debt relief program that meets your needs.

For instance, debt negotiation is one common debt relief program that offers benefits to the debtor. It saves money since you will get to pay a reduced amount from the original amount of debt you owe, it will save you time as professional debt negotiators will be the one discussing this debt reduction process on your behalf. If you are able to choose a reliable and sound debt relief program, most people with debts find themselves free of debt within two or three years.

Common Scam Techniques

While there are several legitimate debt relief companies available in the industry, there are a few others who are looking to take advantage of people's urgency to settle their debts. Like with legitimate debt relief companies, they offer debtors a promise of the opportunity to become debt-free. Sadly though, they most often target individuals who are desperate to find debt relief since they cannot afford to lose their money.

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There are a few common tell-tale signs that the debt relief program you are dealing with is a scam. Hence, identifying them will help you recognize whom to trust and whom not to in terms of finding solution for your debt problems.

Charging to Fix Your Credit Report

There are a few debt relief programs who offer their services of cleaning out your credit report and any errors with massive fees. This process is quite intricate, which is the reason why most people often opt to hire professionals to do it for them. However, you need to be extra careful with choosing since some of them can be outright deceptive. Another reason why such claims are considered scam is that you can fix credit report free of any charge. There are three credit bureaus from which you can acquire a free copy of your yearly credit report. When you have the copy, study it for any false information or suspicious transactions.

Loaning To Fix Bad Credit

This particular scam technique affects debtors in two ways. First, you are charged for a loan that you are not even qualified for to begin with. Therefore, the money you spend trying to settle the loan is put to waste since you could have used that trying to settle off your previous credit card debts. Next, although your creditor makes claim that you have loaned out money, you never get to receive any money. Worse thing is, these scams do not provide you with a legitimate company name so they basically run away with your money while you are left with no way to trace them.

False Identity

This is a sure sign that you are dealing with bogus credit repair companies. When they ask you to create a new credit identity to attain a high credit score, then you need to realize that this is a complete illegal move. Even if you are unfamiliar with legal laws, then everyone might be aware that creating false identity is a clear violation of law.

Therefore, make it a point to screen out the credit repair company you are dealing with before you decide to work with them. If you are serious about getting rid of any credit card debt you currently have, then opting for illegal means is not the best way to do it. Moreover, being subjected to scams would cause you money that could have been used to pay off your credit card debts.

Ways to better your memory

 We all want to have a photographic memory. Just imagine being able to remember every single fact that you have read since you were a kid. You would be a shoo in when it comes to game shows and  trivial pursuit games. Besides, havig a great memory will get you through tough times in college. Unfortunately not all people are blessed with such great memory but there are ways to make it better. Here are some of  them:

1. Exercise your mind 

The more you use your brain, the more it will be better. When it comes to the brain, there is no such thing as drain. If you want to improve your memory, then use your brain as much as you can. Read a book.  Answer a crossword puzzle. Engage in memory games that will develop your brain’s power.

2. Play memory games 

There are a lot  of games out there that will help you exercise your memory. Log on to the internet and look for memory games that you can play. There is also the game board mastermind and Games of the Generals that will help you improve your memory and your logic skills.

3. Use visual tactics 

Most people who have had to improve their memory have used visual tactics to help them remember things. For instance, if you want to remember a grocery list without writing them on paper, all you have to do is visualize your house and associate every part of it with the things that you have to buy. If you need a bathroom cleanser, then visualize it with your bathroom. The same goes with a vinegar and cooking oil with the kitchen or a moisturizer for the face with your bedroom. Thinking visually will help you keep the list in mind.

4. Say it over and over again. 

Some people remember when they repeat it to themselves. For instance,  the best way to remember the name of a person is to use it in a conversation with that person. That way, you will be able to associate the name with the face right on the onset. It will be  easier then to remember that person’s name the next time you meet her or him. The same also goes with remembering telephone numbers. The more you use it and repeatedly use it, the more you will be able to remember them.

5. Eat right 

There are foods that will help keep your brain healthy and thus improve your memory. Foods like peanuts, tofu and milk help keep the brain in tip top shape. The same goes with fish and meat that have proteins that help nourish the brain and keep it developing. In fact, these foods are especially important with children who are growing because their brain is just developing.

6. Group them

Another effective way to remember things  easily is to  group them. For instance, in remembering telephone numbers, it will be easier to group them into two and remember them as two chunks than remembering them as seven separate numbers. Thus, numbers are given hyphens to make it easier to commit to memory.

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There are a lot of other ways to better your memory but before you can do it, you have to first commit to the task. 

Vital Techniques that Can Help Better Your Memory

There is nothing wrong in aiming to do things to help better your memory. You don't have to go to professionals to learn how. You can actually do your own research whenever you have time for such task. Here are some ways that can help you learn more about what you can do in this regard.

1. If you have time, you can spend it on your local library to pick up books that deal with the topic. You can browse it wherever you are while taking down notes as to related tips that you can do to help improve your brain's performance.

2. You can also check the web for related articles that you can read and gain tips from. Through reading, you will gain the right techniques on how you can improve your memory. This is also a favorable exercise on your brain because this enhances thinking.

3. You can also ask professionals for help regarding the matter. You can do this if you are undertaking your regular physical exams. You can take this opportunity to learn about what you can do to improve your memory by asking the right people about the matter.

Healthy Lifestyle

 One factor that plays a big factor into the overall scenario is your lifestyle. Your brain needs a good supply of blood and oxygen. This can be achieved by exercising regularly and eating the right foods that can help you in this regard. You must also limit drinking alcoholic beverages. If you must, do it on a moderate basis. You should also not engage in drugs and other prohibited substances as these can cause damage on your brain which you may be unaware of at first. You will just get the surprise of your life when you wake up one day and you feel the negative effects that these have brought about.

More Tips

To help you with the goal of retaining as much information as you want and need, here are some more simple techniques that you can opt to do.

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1. Try to assimilate occurrences and people to other factors that can help you remember them. You don't want to get into situations wherein you cannot remember important faces and names just because your memory fails to work well. By helping your brain in trying to remember, you will be successful in the venture as you practice the act through time.

2. Do a mental picture of what you are trying to remember, especially when you have to engage into speaking commitments wherein you have to deliver long speeches. You can try to break the speech into parts wherein each part will be associated with something to help you remember the line.

3. Do not quit learning as you age. It will be helpful to engage in activities that you used to do when you were young. If you have kids, you can browse on their books to re-learn some things that you already have forgotten. This can also be a bonding moment for the family. You can help your children do their homework. While you are at it, you will be amazed at how this activity can help you exercise your brain in the process.

If you feel like there are so many things that you are finding hard to remember, it is high time that you think about resorting to tips and techniques on how to better your memory. You should avoid getting serious disorders by engaging into the kind of lifestyle and activities that promote healthy brain functions.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Tips and tricks to better your memory

Memory is important in our lives. It will not only tell us who we are and remind us of the things that have happened in our lives, it will also give us the knowledge that we need to survive. We use memory when we learn new lessons in school or when we are studying for an exam. We also need an excellent memory when socializing. People who can remember names and people appear to be warmer and are better conversationalists than people who are forgetful. Thus it is important that you start bettering your memory.

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Below are some tips on how to improve your memory. Some you can do to improve your brain’s function while the others are preventive measures that will help you have great memory skills even after old age.

1. Change your lifestyle

As far-fetched as it seems, what you do with your life can affect your memory. Thus, people who want to better their memory do not only try out memory techniques but also change their whole lifestyle. You can start by avoiding vices that will hurt your brain processes. This includes smoking and drinking beyond the one bottle a day limit for women and two bottles a day for men. This is of course for beers only.

Stress is another factor that can lessen your memory skills. Stress have been shown to not only weaken the body and the immune system but also to weaken the mental processes. Since stress cannot really be avoided, you need to make sure that you find ways to relax and curtail stress. You can do this by resting your head on weekends and having enough sleep everyday. You should also start exercising and meditating which are both good for the brain.

2. Change your diet 

What you eat will determine who you are. This may be a cliché but it is true nonetheless. If you want to have a more powerful brain, you should make sure that you include in your diet what is often called the brain foods. These are foods that contain choline and proteins which help in the development of the brain. Examples of these brain foods are tuna, salmon and other fishes; soya, tofu, milk, peanuts and meat which are rich in proteins. Veggies and fruits also help by keeping the body strong and rich in supply of anti-oxidants. Young children in fact are encouraged to eat lots of these foods especially at that age when their brains are still developing.

3. Exercise your mind 

One of the reasons why the brain slows down is because it is not used as often as it should be used. There are studies in fact that support this. People who answer crossword puzzles, play strategic games and work even when they are old are less likely to have Alzheimer’s. The use of the brain is actually a preventive measure for the onset of forgetfulness during old age.

4. Use memory techniques

Your brain also needs you help. It does not mean that if your brain is powerful, you will not make the job easy for it. If you want to better your memory, use memory techniques that will help you remember more. One example is the use of mnemonics, or key letters or words that will represent a whole lot of information. Another memory technique is the association, which allows you to associate an information or item with something that you can already see or what you already know.

Secrets on how to make memory better

It will start with some small incident like forgetting the birthday of a colleague. Then you will start to forget the birthdays of people close to you. After that, it will be the turn of the directions to your favorite restaurant and then god forbid, you will forget your own keys inside your home. We all suffer from moments of forgetfulness but sometimes, things go worse that you find ways to make your memory better.

Although we are not all blessed with a photographic memory, there are ways to at least improve what we are given and make us a little less forgetful. This is especially true with people who are already growing older. As we age, the neurons in our brains also age. Some die while others perform slower than usual. This is why people who are older have faultier memories than their much younger counterparts.

But hey, as mentioned, there are ways to improve memory. Here are some of them:

1. Use visuals or sounds

Depending on what kind of learner you are, people can either use visuals and sounds to remember something. For instance, if you are trying to remember a to-do list, all you need to do is stare at the paper and you will be able to see in your mind the list. There are people however who need to hear the list of their to-dos before they can remember everything that they have to do. To find out which technique will work for you, try remembering how you memorize in school. Do you read the words silently or read them out loud?

2. Use associations
Our brains also need help when it comes to remembering things. The easier we make the remembering task for the brain, the better it will be able to remember the information. This is where associations come in. Associating information with things that we already know or things that we can see is a technique that has been utilized in improving memory. For instance, have you heard of mnemonics? When memorizing a set of words, we often take the first letter of that word and then form a sentence or words from those letters. Associating the word that we are trying to memorize with the first letter makes it easier for our brain.

3. Visualize it 

Do you ever wonder why photographic memory is the term use for people with really excellent memory? This is because people who really memorize well or have great memories do not see one item or one information when committing them to memory. They see a picture of the words in group. For instance, a person with a grocery list will usually memorize the items one by one but people who learned to improve their memories will memorize it as a whole. They will look at the list and visualize it as a whole until they can see the list in their mind’s eye.

4.  Eat right 

Another important way to improve memory is to check what you eat. Your diet will factor a lot in your ability to memorize things. Eating nutritious foods will help your brain perform better and faster. This is especially true when eating known brain foods like tofu, milk and fish.

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There are many ways to make your memory better but the most important thing is to commit to the task and promise to improve it no matter what.

Reasons why you should improve your memory

Memory is important. We use it in our daily lives but often we take it for granted. Not many people realize the important function that memory has in our lives. But this should not be the case. Having a great memory is vital to our survival. Thus, it is important that you take steps to better your memory. Here are some of the reasons why you should:

1. It defines who we are 

The memories in your lives define who you are. Try erasing all your memories and you will not have a sense of who you are. It is the experiences that we have in the past that will determine who will be in the future. Without a memory of the past, we will find it hard to go forward in the future. We will have to start building relationships again and have a sense of who we are like what we did when we were still growing up.

2. It helps us learn

We use our memory to learn new things and develop new skills. Memory is actually important in school where we need to memorize a lot of information in order to pass our subjects. Memory is the one what we rely on when it comes to examinations and recitations. But memory is not just for memorizing. Knowledge is also acquired with the use of memory. We learn to do things because of our brain’s work.

3. It helps us with our jobs

Although we will not be answering examinations when we are on the job, we need memory to help keep up with our schedules and the meetings that we have had with people. There are professions who rely a lot on excellent memory. You need it as a secretary when you have to be on top of your boss’ schedules. You need when you are a journalist especially in remembering statements that your interviewees have made. You even need it as the owner of the company. You need to remember all the products that you are manufacturing, the capital that you used and the income that you get for the second quarter of the year.

4. It helps build relationships

People who easily remember the names of people are seen as much warmer and more intelligent than those who can’t remember names even on the same night. This is why personal relations employees are trained to remember names on an instant as this shows respect and appreciation for others. When people remember our names, we feel a sense of importance and we in turn forward those feelings of good will to that person.

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Having an excellent memory also helps people remember birthdays. This is especially true with men who usually forget dates of anniversaries and birthdays. People who remember special dates come across as more thoughtful and more caring as opposed to those who forget all the time. Even if remembering birthdays are not really a sign of love or a measure of love, people still see it that way.

Memory is actually a reflection of our mental processes. Having excellent memory usually means that you have great brain power. Thus, when you are making an effort to better your memory, you are also improving the way you think. And with that, you don’t really need so many reasons.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

How to start bettering your memory

It will be cool to actually remember all the names of the people we meet or recite from memory all of the books that we have read. But not all people are blessed with a photographic memory that can capture a lot of data. The most that most people can do is to remember about 50 percent of the details in the books that they have read and recall about 10 names in the 50 people they meet. But hey, this does not mean that we should all give up wanting to make our memory better.

Although we cannot actually make our memory as powerful as one with a photographic memory, we can at least improve its processes so that we can recall more names than we usually do. This is especially true with people who are already aging. As we grow older, our memory slips. This is why most of our grandfathers and mothers often forget a lot of things, even our names.

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Below are some names on how to make your memory a little bit better. Read on and you might still be able to do something with that faulty memory of yours.

1. Start early
It is important to take care of the brain early on to avoid forgetfulness when old age comes. Brain development starts at a very young age, from 0-3 years old. It is during this time when your brain grows the fastest. Although you may not have any power over your parents actions during this time, you can at least add to their care when you are much older, say 6 or 7 years old, by eating the right foods and avoiding as you grow old vices like cigarettes and alcohol which are proven to lessen memory skills.

2. Commit to the improvement
You should at least be able to commit to the task of bettering your memory. You may not realize it but it is not as simple as memorizing a grocery list and practicing your brain with crossword puzzles and memory games; you will also be changing the way you live your life and the food that you eat. Changing your lifestyle and your diet takes a lot of gumption and self-discipline from you. You will not be able to do it if you do not commit wholeheartedly to the task.

3. Practice 
Use your brain. Whether it is something as simple as reading a book or playing a strategy game like chess, exercising your brain will help keep those neurons awake and working. In fact, studies have shown that those who answer crossword puzzles, read or generally use their brains will less likely become senile or acquire Alzheimer’s Disease. Using your brain will prevent it from being rusty and dusty.

4. Visualize it 
One of the most common techniques to improve memory is to visualize words and things. You see, the brain sees data as pictures. It will be easily stored and faster to retrieve if it is seen and visualized as one picture than when it is memorized as numbers or words. For instance, if you are trying to memorize a grocery list, you do not memorize the words. You memorize the pictures of the things that you need to buy. That way, when you go to the grocery store, you will remember to buy that item, bettering your memory in the process.

Helpful Tips to Better Your Memory

Through time, as you grow old, you will encounter many health problems that can be countered by leading a healthy lifestyle. This will also be beneficial in the goal to better your memory. In psychology, this is defined as one's mental ability to encode the registered information, retain and use the helpful data whenever necessary.

You must do everything necessary to keep your brain functioning well. This way, you can avoid getting numerous disorders that are associated with the brain. As people grow old, the one aspect that usually gets affected is their memory. They are having difficult time remembering valuable information, especially at times when they need to come up with an answer. The following processes of how your brain functions get affected, especially when you just let it be and you don't act upon the problem.

1. Encoding. When your brain receives information, it processes everything and combines pieces of what has been received with the data already stored in your system.

2. Storage. Your brain acts like the hard disk of your system where you store everything. But unlike the computer system, your brain records the information permanently. And it will stay there for as long as you are healthy and you haven't encountered serious problems that have caused your brain to malfunction.

3. Recall. In cases wherein you have to answer questions and situations based on what has already been stored in your brain, you try to recall the data that may help you arrive at the right conclusions.

Improve Your Memory

The International Longevity Center released a report in 2001 that includes vital tips in improving your brain's performance. The more pronounced tips include actively seeking new information through learning. This can be achieved by reading and training. You should also engage yourself in physical activities that promote blood circulation on your brain. You should also learn to keep your stress levels at a low by not thinking too much about problems. It is also recommended to get enough sleep and eat right. To help you exercise your memory to improve its performance, here are some more tips that you can opt to do.

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1. Make it a habit to write down notes about the things that you want to do and whatever you want to remember. This can aid you in achieving your goal until you no longer have to resort to this activity or do it less often.

2. If you are reviewing for exams and the likes, you must get enough rest after storing too much information on your brain. You can repeat the process after you have rested and before the date of the exam to help your brain absorb more information and retain most of them.

3. You should also practice visualizing things that you need to remember. For example, you need to remember too many names at a short period of time. It will help if you will associate the faces of the people and their names on images that will make you recall them easily.

4. While some people may attest that cramming work for them, this is not healthy as you try to force and overload your brain with too many information for a short period of time. If you have to study, give yourself ample time to finish everything that you have to review. Give your brain time to rest after absorbing too many data. This will help better your memory and for you to perform well on your exams.

Better Your Memory by Playing Card Games

Through time, there are many techniques that are being developed to help enhance one's memory. There are various ways that you can opt to do if you want to better your memory. The first thing that you have to take note of is your lifestyle. If you want your brain to be active and retain as much vital information as it could even if you are already old, you must help keep it healthy. What can you do to help you achieve such goal? You may want to focus on improving your lifestyle.

It will be to your advantage if you will not drink too much alcoholic beverage. This can still be done but keep it at a moderate level. You must also refrain from trying prohibited drugs because these may cause damage to your brain as you age. You may not feel the bad effects of these vices at first. But eventually, you will notice how these are causing health risks as well as negative effects on how you remember things.

To help improve your memory, you must also engage in activities such as exercise to keep a good supply of oxygen on your brain. It is also favorable to get enough rest and sleep.

Understanding Memory at a Deeper Level

Memory is defined in psychology as the organism's mental capability to absorb, keep and recall information. The study about this field started as part of philosophy. During the late 19th and early 20th century, the studies about memory are placed in the paradigms of what is known as cognitive psychology. In recent years, it has become part of cognitive neuroscience.

How the brain works is simple yet magnificent. This all starts when the brain receives information and it registers into your memory. After it has received and processed what came in, it will store the encoded information. When you need to use any of the information that has been absorbed by the brain, it will try to recall and retrieve such data to that you can utilize it on the spot.

If you will not take good care of your brain, these are the possible disorders that you may develop. Amnesia can occur as an outcome of an accident. It will vary depending on the impact of the scene and how healthy your brain is when such incident happened. Alzheimer's disease affects not only your memory but your ability to recognize. This is usually being experienced by older people. There is also an organic brain disease such as the Korsakoff's syndrome that gravely affects your memory.

Card Games to Help You Improve Memory

There are things that you can do to enjoy while you are exercising your brain in order to improve your memory. By engaging in activities that require your brain to react in certain ways, you are helping it to stay healthy. You may want to start learning a few card games that can help you achieve this goal.

#1 Golf Training Program

A good sample of this is when you aim to improve your concentration. You may want to try card games like Pairs. You must be alert to retain the location of the pairs of the cards that you are holding. There are online versions of the game if you want to start learning and applying various techniques as you play it more often. While you are at it, you may also start your research about other types of card games that can help better your memory. You can choose to gather family or friends to play with you or you can also opt to play the games online.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Better Your Memory by Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

As you age, you may feel like your memory is slowly losing its ability to store as much information like it used to. Although this is a natural occurrence, you can do things and various exercises to help yourself not easily lose its grip when it comes to remembering things and better your memory. Memory is defined in psychology as the mental ability of an organism to retain and store as well as recall information.

In the older days, the study of memory falls under the fields of philosophy. People even dig up on techniques to artificially enhance the memory. In the late 19th up to the early 20th century, the study of memory became part of the paradigms of the cognitive psychology. As of today, this is one of the major fields in the branch of science known as cognitive neuroscience.

How the Memory Works

There are three stages that happen when you form and retrieve information as part of your memory. First, the information is encoded or registered once it is received by your brain. After that, your brain tries to create a permanent record of the information and store as much as it could. Whenever the need arise, your brain will help you recall the stored information and retrieve whatever will help you on the circumstance that you are in.

Disorders Associated with Memory

The most common disorder that is being incurred in this regard is the loss of memory, also known as amnesia. There are many types of amnesia and studies are being done continuously to know more about the field as well as to solve the dilemma. Other known disorders that usually hit older people is the Alzheimer’s disease. There is also a disorder that centers into one’s autobiographical memory or when they cannot dismiss even the littlest details. This is known as the hyperthymesic syndrome.

Better Memory

You don’t have to wait until a disorder hits you before you act on to improving your memory. When you are aware as to how your brain works in getting and storing the information that come from various sources. You can compare your brain’s ability to store information to how a computer functions.

Your computer will eventually crash if you don’t do certain steps to take care of it. You must let it rest and cool off after you have used it for a long time. You must also do a regular checkup to see if it is still virus free and there are no potent errors that may lead to its crash. This is also what you must do on your brain to make sure that it won’t give in or gain lapses through time.

You must treat your brain right so that you will benefit from its superb performance as you age. By leading a healthy lifestyle, you will help your brain retain its usual performance. Even if you think like you are good in remembering things, you must not abuse such ability. You can help your brain to stay at the top of its game by leading a healthy lifestyle. You must not engage on drugs and other substance abuse. You must also refrain from drinking too much beverages.

Your brain needs a healthy supply of oxygen for it to function well. You can achieve such by exercising regularly and also by getting enough sleep. By resorting to these techniques, you will better your memory in the long run.

Better Your Memory by Eating Right

Leading a healthy lifestyle can cause so many benefits and that include helping you better your memory. This is a very important aspect because if you will not take certain steps in order to nurture it, you may end up with the disorders that are associated with this function of your brain. Your memory is your brain's ability to encode information, retain and store them and recall vital data whenever needed.

Steps to Improve Memory

There are many things that you can do to help your brain perform at its best. This can be achieved by avoiding unhealthy vices like drinking too much alcoholic beverages, smoking and turning to prohibited drugs. You must learn how to control your vices if you can't stop immediately. Exercising also helps in giving your brain good supply of oxygen. This will enhance its performance and will make you remember things easier. It is also a must to get enough rest and good amount of sleep. The way you think will be gravely affected if you are tired, especially when you only got some hours of sleep that may leave you feeling weak and you also cannot think straight.

There are exercises that you can do to help your brain improve. You can resort to various card games that promote such benefit. You should also be active in learning new things all the time even if you are already. This must not stop you to learn by reading and training. You must also engage in different physical activities that will help regulate the blood circulation on your brain. You must also learn how to control your emotions, especially the stress that you feel as a result of thinking too much about your problems. Depression causes a major impact on one's memory as well as emotional instability.

Eating Right

You must eat right for your brain to function well. It will not help if you will be distracted by your hunger for your thoughts to come out fluently. By eating right, it means that you have to eat the kinds of foods that are healthy in proportions that will help you stay fit and vigorous. If you are into some type of diet, just be sure that you follow the recommended intake of the food that you are allowed to eat. Here are some foods that can help you achieve the goal of attaining better memory.

1. Sunflower seeds. Nuts contain healthy fats that you can incorporate on your diet. These seeds contain abundant source of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that help out in improving your memory as you grow older. Other rich sources of Vitamin E include hazelnut, spinach, kiwi, broccoli, wheat germ oil, mango and dry almond.

2. Salmon. This contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are important in developing your brain and helping it to function better. Such acids can also be found in walnut, soybean, shrimp, scallop, tofu, winter squash, flaxseed and walnut.

3. Blueberries. These are rich in phytochemical elements that can affect one's memory in a very good way. These are also good for your overall health.

4. Lean beef. This is rich in iron that will help you boost and help better your memory if taken in moderate proportions. But make sure that you do not eat much of this because you may encounter weight problems if you do so.

Understanding the Risks When Providing Activities for Seniors

Seniors need different activities during these later stages of their lives, since they no longer receive enough mental, emotional, social and physical stimulation. You need to be aware of the potential risks and threats too, since these individuals are no longer as strong as they used to be. Knowing the dangers can help you devise more effective and safe strategies.

About Accidents

Senior citizens are particularly prone to accidents since they can no longer fully support bodily functions as they used to when they were still young. Old men and women can be vulnerable to falls, as their sense of balance and overall bodily strength and stability are not as capable as before. One of the most useful approaches you can do is to elder-proof your home. You have to install safety items that will make the environment more conducive to move around in.

Install rails on the walls, especially near steps and stairs. The floor has to have good traction when the elders are stepping on it to avoid slips and falls. You may have to move seniors to the lower floors so that they no longer need to climb up and down the stairs. During the night, lights have to be kept on, just in case seniors need to go to the bathroom and kitchen. There should be floor mats and other drying materials to avoid wet and slippery floors.

About Disease

The immune system of seniors also becomes compromised as they grow older, so they become more vulnerable to a variety of diseases. They can get health problems by maintaining contact with others that have conditions like tuberculosis, pneumonia, infections, etc. You can keep them safe from others when doing activities in groups by providing the right tools like masks, gloves and giving them enough supplementation.

Make sure that the senior is taking in enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals to fight off bacteria, viruses and other invaders. Older individuals get to enjoy activities with friends and providers more if they stay protected from possible diseases.

Risk for Activity Intolerance

Seniors no longer have the same strength, conditioning and endurance as before which makes it very important for you to do an overall physical assessment first, with the aid of a physician. This will ensure that you are only offering activities that are suitable to the patient's age and physical capacity. Listen to the senior's verbalizations and observe the responses when doing activities so you can determine whether to increase or reduce the intensity and duration.

Risk for Isolation

When providing activities for seniors, always give praise and compliment them for small accomplishments to encourage independence. Most seniors still long for the feeling of being able to do things on their own. There are talk therapies, physical therapies and other rehabilitative methods that can help them attend to activities of daily living without any problem. Be patient and listen to their concerns and sentiments, since older individuals who develop low self-esteem tend to isolate themselves from others.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Top Activities for Seniors

Seniors should not be taken away from the scenes as they still have a lot of strength and tenacity to indulge in the things as they used to when they were younger. You can provide a wide array of activities, depending on their personal preferences and capacity. You may be surprised on how the elderly can boost endurance and strength with just a few routines.

Finding a Hobby

 There are a variety of hobbies and crafts that seniors can indulge in to improve their physical and mental capacities. A good example is drawing, sketching or painting where they can freely express themselves in art and color. Ask the senior what type of platform he or she is most interested in working on, then provide the materials such as a charcoal or pencil and paper, a canvas and paint or some markers. You may teach them how to make cartoons too, which can be very entertaining and fun.

Another hobby that can exercise the mind includes the creation of model cars and airplanes. This is one hobby that the senior citizens of today used to enjoy when they were younger. There are a variety of models to work on, such as vintage cars, tanks, vintage planes and even ships and bicycles.

For the Women

 Female senior citizens enjoy sewing and working on cross stitch patterns. You can provide the right materials like embroidery kits, t-shirts, dresses, caps, socks, etc. and let them start getting creative. Some even enjoy fixing loose buttons, holes and putting patches, so feel free to ask and let them start on their way to occupational therapy.


Music Matters

Other senior citizens are highly adept and never lose their touch on music. Try to ask their specific instrument of interest or type of music, then provide them the right tools like a pen and paper, music book, speakers, amplifiers and the particular tool like a guitar, violin, flute, trombone or drums maybe. One of the best things about music is that you can always do it with a group or partner. Feel free to bring your own musical instrument and begin making beautiful melodies together.

Form a band of senior musicians and introduce some fun genres like modern, jazz, hip hop or even techno. Singing and dancing are also essential activities for seniors that are good for boosting morale and confidence and improving relationships among individuals. If they can get better in these, they can always gain a renewed sense of fulfilment and continue to progress, thereby sharpening their mental and physical skills.

Occupational Therapy

Even though seniors are well into their retirement age, it is still important that they stay capable of performing various tasks and functions that will maintain independence and enhance self-confidence. Allow them to perform activities of daily living or ADL like eating, brushing their teeth, bathing, getting dressed, etc. Also introduce them to certain minor tasks like cleaning their room, fixing their bed, creating works of art like pottery or sculpture, reading books and staying updated via the internet.

Occupational therapy is good also for older individuals to encourage them to stay independent for the rest of their days. You can accomplish this by forming a buddy system, so they always have someone to rely on, during cases of emergency and difficulty. Activities for seniors can be done both indoor and outdoors.

The Advantages of Activities for Seniors

Most people may think that activities for seniors only offer physical advantages. The fact is, programs like these cater very well for a full-rounded approach, targeting the physical, mental, social, spiritual and emotional aspects. Seniors need to have a deeper sense of identity during this part of their lives. Developing the right program will benefit them a lot.

Physical Advantages

 Primarily, the physical aspect always benefits from different activities that cater to seniors. Older individuals tend to have lower immune systems, experience different pains and stiffness in their bodies, may no longer be capable of doing certain actions, have reduced range of motion and are more prone to developing disease. This is also the time when underlying conditions manifest several signs and symptoms. Complications can also arise for conditions that may have lied dormant for many years.

By doing forms of exercise and stretching routines, seniors greatly enhance their bodies to perform different movements more accordingly. Some of the known benefits include wide range of motion, enhanced strength, longer endurance, better performance in sports, enhanced sexual health, stronger and more toned muscles, better balance and a more stable posture. They will be able to do different activities on their own without trouble.

Emotional Benefits

Activities for seniors can be done singly, in pairs or in groups. These pose a lot of emotional benefits since the individuals get a chance to express themselves fully. They can talk about their past, their present concerns and their dreams for the future. In most cases, seniors want to talk about family and their past accomplishments to gain a sense of identity and develop a feeling of fulfilment.

It is important that you listen to whatever the senior citizen has to say and respond in a positive manner. Allow them to voice out their particular concerns and whatever it is that they want to have to boost self-esteem. Becoming stronger and more independent through the programs gives them a renewed sense of confidence.

Social Benefits

Seniors get to do activities with a partner or with several others in a group. Some programs are also competitive in nature, so seniors get to compare their personal capacities with others in a friendly way. It is vital that they get to relate with others who are also sharing the same sentiments. It is very much advised to do activities with seniors, together with their close friends and family. They should achieve a sense of recognition, thereby making them more capable of handling themselves properly in social affairs.

Mental Pluses

Activities for seniors boost their ability to think critically and analyze too. Some games and programs require proper assessment of certain situations, so the elderly will then devise solutions and answers according to their own understanding. You may introduce them to valuable resources like the internet, where they can stay updated with recent news and other current events. Provide mind games and simple challenges that will enhance the way they think as a whole.

Simple activities like playing chess, word games, conversation and math drills are great ways to boost the seniors' mental capacity. Do these 3 to 4 times a week, with some short courses throughout the week for follow-up purposes. Assess their response and development over the weeks and up the challenge as necessary for nonstop progress.

Sports for Seniors: What You Can Offer

Even during their late years, seniors can still enjoy a wide array of activities that will strengthen bones and boost their immune system. There are sports for seniors, which can also be played together with younger individuals. These are all meant for leisure, relaxation and physical activity. Find out the common sports that your grandparents can still enjoy.


Basketball is a great sport that helps seniors work out their entire bodies, particularly parts such as the triceps, deltoids and legs. The sport is also good for improving joint condition, specifically in the knee area. There are basketball games held for individuals confined in wheelchairs. Seniors can benefit from the various drills and game techniques to boost endurance and overall condition.

Basketball is ideal for seniors since they get to play with others and associate with those who are in the same age bracket. Teamwork is a good way for them to socialize and compare their current skill levels. The idea of sports is to enhance camaraderie, at the same time, enhancing relationships and communication.


For seniors who are not that active anymore, or just want a change in environment, they will surely enjoy the game of golf. You can start with the driving range where you get to practice your swing. The exercise can enhance your strength, flexibility and focus. There are also putting greens where you can practice control and concentration.

The game of golf is very mental, so it is a perfect opportunity for seniors to enhance their minds and think of strategies to reach the holes. It is also a good and relaxing game to enjoy with a buddy or partner. Walking is an excellent form of exercise for older individuals to keep their heart healthy. You can choose to either drive to the next location via golf cab or just walk the beautiful greens. Golf is a great stress reliever, so take time to enjoy an entire weekend with full amenities and world class services.


Swimming for seniors is good since it offers increased endurance, strength and agility. Some of the known benefits of the sport for older individuals include well-conditioned and toned muscles, better blood circulation, regular heart rhythm and stronger lungs. Swimming works out all body parts especially the arms, legs and back. Women who are particularly prone to osteoporosis can benefit from the sport.

Seniors can go swimming 2 to 3 times per week, with each session lasting 20 to 40 minutes. If you're swimming for the first time, you may want to take some time just adjusting to the watery environment. Start doing a couple of laps when you're ready. Also ask for assistance from the life guard or instructor during the primary sessions.


Marathons are held particularly for senior individuals. These may be either walking, running or both. In some cases, triathlons are also held which includes running, bicycling and swimming. You will find that there are several people age 65 years and older who are still in top shape and condition. Sports great enhance a person's performance and can increase lifespan. Look out for marathon schedules in your local area and in local newspapers and start training 3 to 4 times a week for the event. Walkathons may be better if you've never actually joined a marathon.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Social Activities for Seniors

The social lives of seniors tend to slow down once they reach 65 to 70 years of age. It is important to provide them enough social activities to maintain a good sense of confidence and identity. In most cases, older individuals want to stay with others who also belong in the same age bracket. Here are some of the tried and proven ways to keep them sane.

Good Old Group Gatherings

Group gatherings are a great way for senior citizens to mingle and communicate with other people. The gatherings may stem from church, a lifestyle seminar or any type of hobby for that matter. There are different organizations and agencies forming meet ups every now and then that specifically cater to the social needs of older individuals. In a typical meeting, there may be 5 to 30 participants. A guidance counselor or leader organizes the program in a way that seniors can talk about their current situation, sentiments and other concerns.

The gathering is usually held in a hall or outdoor setting where older individuals can appreciate nature and tranquillity. The agenda can cover one or several topics. Some of the most ideal seminars to attend include self-care, independence and rehabilitative activities for seniors. A meeting may last anywhere from 1 hour to an entire weekend.

Introducing the Internet

You may be surprised to know that senior citizens enjoy technology as much as younger people. You can introduce a senior to the computer, laptop or PDA where they can immediately get connected to various sites and gain tons of information. Teach them about the latest updates regarding the world and their current situation. It is also excellent to let them join online forums, chatrooms and social networking sites where they can view, meet and talk to different people from all over the globe.

At first, seniors will need assistance on how to operate the computer and get connect to the internet. Teach them the basics, such as the proper use of search engines. It will also help to give them safety tips such as checking the potential of a web site and looking out for possibly unscrupulous people that are out to get their credit card numbers and cash.

Indulge in Sports

Senior citizens enjoy sports a lot. At this point, it is recommended that you provide less-strenuous activities such as golf, fishing and light walking. You may also have them get on more active sports, depending on their personal preference and physical capacity. Some of the others to include are swimming, basketball, cricket and tennis.

Seniors also enjoy a lot of table games such as chess, poker and other card games. Board games are also a good way for them to socialize and get their minds to work. Talk about other things while playing, since these people are very inclined to tell their life stories to those who want to listen.

Getting a Buddy

 Some people are not as sociable as others and usually just keep to themselves even when activities are introduced. A good approach is to sit down and listen to the person in a one-on-one conversation session. Ask open-ended questions and encourage the individual to share sentiments and other details. You may also give the person a pen and paper to draw or write on. Some would like others to know about their stories only through pictures and words.

Ensuring Safety When Doing Activities for Seniors

Seniors are more prone to disease, accidents and dangers when doing physical activities, since their bodies are less active, weaker and less flexible compared years ago. It is important to note that most are still capable of doing the same things, except that the intensity, duration and extent need to be toned down a bit for their safety and convenience.

Basic Safety Measures

It is important to keep in mind that you can only provide activities that senior citizens can tolerate. Some activities may already be too severe or strenuous for them to bear, and can lead to disease development and even complications of already existing conditions. There are plenty of alternatives, however, to provide when older individuals still request for items like playing basketball, golf, shopping, etc. You can make use of safety tools like wheelchairs, walkers and joint protectors. You can also let them indulge in activities in less severe form. Let them play with others in the same age to reduce overall intensity.

Check for signs of fatigue, stress and potential dangers. Make sure that the environment you choose is completely free of debris and other items that might lead to accidents, falls and wounds. The elderly are particularly prone to fractures and their healing mechanisms also tend to slow down, which is why you need to avoid injury and stress as much as possible.

Mental Health

It is equally important to consider the mental health of the elderly to make sure that they are living normal lives. You can provide activities that will boost their social welfare, such as letting them join sports activities, seminars, group counseling services and other extracurricular events. Seniors tend to battle feelings of anxiety and despair with self-fulfilment. Let them talk to others who were also in the same position before.

For example, seniors who have had experience in war will most likely relate better to past soldiers. They can share their stories, thereby boosting self-confidence and giving them the idea that they have been productive in the past. It is vital that you allow family and friends to visit and communicate regularly, even if the elderly is confined in the hospital or a home, so that they always have the feeling of being remembered and cared for.


Tools for Safety

There are several equipments available to ensure safety for the elderly. Some of the most popular are wheelchairs, canes, bandages for the joints, etc. You should also assess the environment and provide the necessary tools to keep seniors comfortable for various activities. Hats, sweaters, water bottles, diapers, etc. may be needed depending on the individual capacity. Always have a first aid kit ready, and keep a number of emergency services in your phone or wallet, just in case.

Assessing Performance

 For starters, it is always advised to give seniors activities that are right for their age and physical tolerance. Over time, you can increase the duration and intensity to continue building strength and endurance. Assess the performance of different individuals and allow them to give you feedback. Their suggestions can be very useful when developing a program for maintenance and wellness. You can also ask others who have cared for the elderly in the past, including their immediate family. List down possible ideas that will keep activities entertaining, productive and most of all, safe.

Activities for Seniors Should Aim for Physical Fitness

Even before you reach the age of 40, your body starts to experience all sorts of problems. Senior citizens so much more help and attention to keep their bodies fit, healthy and free from disease. It is important to focus on physical fitness as one of the mainstays of activities for the elderly. Here are some proven guidelines that boost wellness and life.

The Right Exercises

The right exercises should always rely on the senior's personal capacity and current condition. It is best to have a physical check up and thorough assessment to make sure that the activities can be well-tolerated and complications are avoided. Seniors who have been sedentary for several years or months need to break into an exercise program or regime slowly. A physical therapist can best provide the right movements and warm up techniques that will stabilize joints and strengthen muscles.

Seniors are not advised to immediately join group sports or enter a weight training program without warming up their muscles well. They should check how their body responds to various movements first, before embarking on any strenuous exercise. You should also get enough nutrition rich in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates for fast recovery and optimum resistance. Sleep adequately days before your first exercise routine to gather strength and stick to the program longer.

What a Typical Program Consists Of

The regular program includes physical fitness exercises, complete with the right equipment, trainers and machines. The elderly may be placed on exercise machines like stationary bicycles, treadmills, elliptical trainers and the like. They may also be asked to walk around the senior center grounds. Those who are more capable can try mild jogging. There are classes as well held on schedule which includes yoga, aerobics, martial arts, tai chi, etc. Seniors may join these programs as they please. Sessions are typical 2 to 3 times per week.

There are also therapeutic sessions where individuals are gathered into groups to communicate, play games and share their experiences. This is a good opportunity for seniors to discuss their concerns and current conditions and problems, if they have any. Seniors will be formed into pairs or groups as well, depending on their preference.

Objectives of the Exercises

Exercises are provided to senior citizens to attain the following: flexibility, strength, balance and endurance. Stretching exercises greatly boost flexibility, which can prevent injury should seniors fall or trip. To enhance endurance, seniors can do cardiovascular activities like running, jogging, walking or bicycling to get their heart rate up. This is especially good for lowering cholesterol levels, stress and blood pressure.

To enhance strength, weight training exercises may be provided according to the physical capacities of seniors to minimize pains and aches. Balancing is highly important for elder individuals to prevent accidents. There are balancing exercises like walking with eyes closed, lifting one leg up, etc. These can minimize the occurrence of falls.

More Benefits

 There are several benefits that you can get from activities for seniors. These can reduce depression and stress, lower risk for heart and cardiovascular ailments, boost flexibility, reduce diabetes, produce endorphins that make people feel better, prevent disease, maintain the ability to do various activities and enhances range of motion.

The advantages among individuals may differ, depending on their age, response to the activity and current condition. Overall, physical activity always renders positive results.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Activities for Seniors: What to Do on a Typical Day

The sad thing about senior citizens and the younger generation is that they seem to ignore each other. A lot of people think that since older individuals have lowered activity tolerance and are not as mentally active as before, they do not really need much stimulation. The fact is, these people are constantly searching for attention. Here's what you can offer.

 Start the Day Right

Seniors wake up earlier than before, since they need less sleep than regular adults. A typical night's sleep lasts anywhere from 4 to 6 hours for most. You can expect them to wake up at around 5am to 7am in the morning. It will be good to give them a hearty breakfast once they open their eyes. Greet them warmly and have the table set up. A good menu will include items like oatmeal, a piece of apple or orange, coffee or juice and a tall glass of water. While eating, give him or her an itinerary of the activities for the day so they can prepare well.

You can assist the elderly get ready for the day's actions, by helping them dress, shower and do their other bodily routines. Some will prefer doing things independently, so it will be better to just hand them items like the brush, the towel and slippers and let them do everything else to promote independence and feelings of self-confidence.

Some Physical Activity

Start the day with some form of exercise to improve muscle strength and condition. Some of the activities that you can offer include a round of golf, swimming, walking to the nearby mall, doing yoga and hitting the gym for some light weight training. Do activities according to the preference and physical capacity of the individual. The session should last anywhere between 20 and 40 minutes at a time, even if the person believes that he or she can tolerate or do more.

Take time to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes through stretches and cardiovascular exercise. Cool down in the end as well by stretching and flexing. Make sure you bring a bottle of water for the elderly to consume throughout the exercises. They tend to become dehydrated sooner than others, so stay prepared especially on very hot days. If the senior experiences anything painful or uncomfortable about the activity, stop it immediately and find the source of the problem.

Buying Them Toys

Seniors want to hold on even to small material possessions as a way to ease boredom. Some of the "toys" or items that you can give them to stay mentally alert and focused are a book, a cross stitch set, a sewing kit, a drawing book or a canvass. Take the elderly to the local department store, mall or bookstore and have them pick a couple of things that they would like to keep at home. You can ask the people too, the particular hobbies and activities they used to do when they were younger. Try to find things that they can associate with easily.

Ensuring Safety

Make sure that the senior is fully secure and safe throughout all the activities done. If the weather is hot, provide an umbrella, sunglasses and hat. For colder seasons, give gloves, a jacket and boots. Protect the elderly from potential dangers while doing activities like going up the stairs, playing sports and cooking. Always be right beside the person to assist and have some materials prepared such as the emergency hotline and first aid kit.