Unfortunately, those activities take money and unless you're planning to sit at home and wait for death you should be making plans to take care of all those things you wish you had done earlier in life once you retire.
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While you are planning for your financial retirement you should also take the time to make plans for what you will do once you retire. Do you need to join a travel club now in order to have an established membership when the time comes to actually enjoy the benefits of belonging? How about that book of the month club? Many of these clubs are great to join while you have the extra 'disposable' income that goes along with working and having a career.

If you are retiring today you will want to make plans to go parasailing, take cruises, ride horses, and maybe learn to golf and/or knit. You do not want to spend your golden years sitting at home waiting for the inevitable end. You want to leave this world laughing about all the fun and good times you've had. The stereotypes associated with retirees are changing quickly as the world evolves and people are living longer than ever before.
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When you plan your funds you also might want to take the time to have a few daydreams about the places you will go and save a page or two to write about those dreams and sharing them with your partner in life. You should also take time to find out what he or she hopes to do, where he or she hopes to go, and the things that he or she would like to see when making plans for your retirement.
After all, you have shared your lives together it only makes sense that you will share the best years of your lives with one another.
There is no better input to get when it comes to your retirement than the input of your life partner. You should also take things in stages and not try to do and see everything in the first months or year of your retirement. The novelty of not going into the office each and every day will wear off quite soon. You will then find that you can only mow your lawn so many times a day without actually doing more harm than good to your grass.
You'll know every leave of every flower in your garden, and you will know the inside and outside of every book on your shelves. Don't become a victim of boredom in your retirement as that brings on spending sprees. Find a hobby that doesn't require a considerable investment and you will help prolong the limited funds you will have at retirement and save them for the more important things on your list of "things to do before you die".
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